Title: Star Trek into Darkness Pairings/Characters: Kirk, Spock, McCoy, Uhura and ??? (Benedict Cumberbatch) Rating: G Disclaimer: Obvsly this is making no profit Notes/Warnings: Spoilers for the movie? Is there? Not really?
Title: I Fought The Law... Pairings/Characters: Young Avengers (Billy/Teddy) Rating: G Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Notes/Warnings: Done for coooodes's big bang I Fought the Law...! :D
Title: Roll Call Pairings/Characters: The Young Avengers and Avengers Academy Rating: G Disclaimer: All characters belong to Marvel Notes/Warnings: Done for spandexstretch's big bang Roll Call! Which is hilarious so go check it out ;D
Medium: Television/Western comics Fandom: Young Justice Subject: General as well as a variety of pairings Title: Young Justice The Mega Mix Warnings: None Notes: This is technically one mix just split up into a variety of pairings. It contains het, slash and gen. PSD used on covers by racheldinozzo.
Title: I Know Whom Within Me Character: Adam Torres Rating: PG-13 Length: 400+ words Disclaimer: Obviously I get nothing for this work of fiction. Warnings: Mentions of self harm. Summary: Adam gets ready for school. A/N: Unbeta'd. Title from the song For Today I Am a Boy by Antony and The Johnsons.